We pay a flat charge to exclusively book half of Bethany Park for Unite Church. Your payment helps cover this cost while keeping it an affordable weekend!
The price is for the entire weekend, regardless of how many nights you stay.

  • If you want a cabin or powered site, cost is $30/adult, $15/child

  • If you can tent, you can pay the discounted rate of $20/adult, $10/child (please tent if you can! Cabins are always very limited)

  • Children 5 and under are free.

There is always limited cabin space. If you can bring a caravan or tent, please do so! Cabins are not first in, first served. We prioritise families and those that need them more than others in order to enjoy the weekend.

  • If you are just planning on coming out for a day trip, please email to discuss a koha/donation for your visit.

  • If you would like to bring a friend/family who does not apprentice in the Unite community, please discuss this with your Neighbourhood Church Shepherd. For health and safety reasons, guests are accountable to the Unite community member who invited them.

Payment details will be sent following your registration. Thank you to those of you who pay timely or communicate any payment issues well.


Check-in: Any time from 3pm on Friday 26th January.

All-in Service: 10am on Sunday morning, either outside by the playground or in the top hall.

CABINS must be emptied & cleaned up by 10am on Monday 29th January.
THE REST OF CAMP and your site must be emptied and cleaned by 12pm on Monday 29th January.


Please visit to read our Terms of Attendance.

In addition to our Terms of Attendance, please note the below:

There are some standards/expectations we need all attendees to agree to in order to ensure we all enjoy our time at camp, are kept safe, and respect Bethany's rules. 
If these are not adhered to, we may be forced to ask you to leave, for the safety and enjoyment of the rest of your church family.

1. 10:30pm Sound Regulation & Curfew
In consideration of others, we request everyone to return to their own tents/cabins from 10:30pm and request quietness from 10pm-7am.

2. Property Boundaries
The following areas are out of bounds: 
Anywhere past the boundary fences, the creek, the top hall except for the Sunday service (and the kitchen in the top hall always), the waterslide without adult supervision.

3. No drugs and weapons
Bethany Park is a drug and weapon-free camp. These or any paraphernalia associated with these are not permitted on the property. Alcohol is allowed in your cabin/on your site (not in the shared dining and playground areas) as long as you are respectful of children and your church family members. Unite leadership reserves the right to add alcohol restrictions if necessary. 

4. Damages
If you notice anything damaged, please report it to Bethany Camp management. If you break/damage anything, you will be expected to accept responsibility and cooperate with Bethany Park management in the matter.

5. Kitchen/Dining
Please tidy up after yourselves! Wash and put away your dishes before leaving. Wipe benches and stoves after use. 
Remember to bring your own cutlery, crockery, and cooking & cleaning equipment (including tea towels and dish liquid).
Fridge space is limited (if you have a camping fridge or cooler, bring it!).
Bring a vivid to name your food. 

6. Youth
All under 18's will need to be responsible to their parent/caregiver OR to a youth leader (over 18 yrs) authorised by the parent/caregiver and the relevant Neighbourhood Church Shepherd.

7. Guests/Non-Unite Church Attendees
If you would like to bring friends or family who do not apprentice in the Unite community, please discuss this with your Neighbourhood Church Shepherd. For health and safety reasons, guests are accountable to the Unite community member who invited them.

Register below!

 An invoice will be sent to you shortly following your registration.